A woman sat down on a rocking chair. Her round belly rested on her thighs, and she sighed. She looked around the room and rubbed her hand over her swollen middle.
Dreams ran through the woman’s mind, as her eyes circled the room. It was decorated in soft colors. Sitting on the dresser were a white bunny and a yellow bear. The woman smiled at their sweetness. She thought about what was to come and was filled with hope.
She dreamed of a healthy baby with strong lungs and a gummy smile to speak its mind while always being kind.
She dreamed of chubby legs that would grow to carry her child through any and all of life’s challenges and triumphs.
She dreamed of arms spread wide open with hands stretched out, ready to hug, hold and carry those her baby would call family or friend.
She dreamed of her baby’s heart being so big and powerful, it would learn quickly that the more love given, the more the heart would expand.
When the woman finally held her baby and smelled the sweet scent of new life, she learned something grand. Her dreams were too small, for her baby was the product of miracles and fantasies. And the woman then knew what it meant to be a Mommy.