For a couple of weeks there I was pretty down in the dumps, struggling to find my inner motivation and fire. Then, I got that email about the King of the Road 5K and registered. What a gift I gave to myself by signing up. From the minute I got dressed in all my new cold gear on Sunday, I knew it was my day - my race! First of all, those tights make me feel like a million bucks, and secondly, I was actually not freezing in 30-40 degree temperatures. Those are some pretty important victories when it comes to the psyche of this particular runner. When we were cued to line up, I was the most zen I've been before the start. While there were hundreds of people there, anxiety wasn't at all a factor. I was dancing and smiling and pumped to begin the 3.1 mile trek. From my first stride to my last, I felt so incredibly "in the zone". This course was relatively flat compared to others I've run, but I'm not sure that mattered too much. Everyone around me seemed pleasant and even a few cheered me on as we passed one another. How cool is that!? No pushing or shoving, just good natured runners sharing the road. That said, as with any race, the biggest battle I wage is with myself. You have to be mentally strong to keep going when you feel as though there isn't an ounce left to give. This was never more true than when I completed mile two. At the start of the final third of the race was a dreaded hill - long and pretty steep. At this point I had yet to walk (I've never lasted more than one mile without a short walk break). The devil on one shoulder was whispering, "Take a break!" The angel on my other shoulder was whispering, "Never walk uphill!" When I centered my focus on the "Never walk" whispers, I was able to tell myself to push through, not quit, and you've got this! When the hill was behind me I knew I'd reached a new level of strength. If I could beat that hill, I could take on what was left ahead of me. So I kept on running until crossing the finish line at full speed. It was by far the most exhillirating and triumphant finish so far - even more than my first race. I was so excited and proud of myself, I cried! To many people a 5K is nothing much. I'm not taking on marathons or anything, but I am achieving more with each race than I ever imagined for myself. I posted to my FaceBook page that "I'm not the fastest, but I'm determined. I'm not a size 2, but I'm healthy. I'm not perfect, but I'm blessed. I run because it gives me more than what I could ever leave on the pavement." Nothing could be more true. With the weight I have lost, I have gained infinite amounts more in confidence and belief in myself. I had no idea how much that had been missing and for far too long. Never doubt yourself. Greatness is in all of us. We may not find it through medals or awards, but through blasting through the barriers and roadblocks we create for ourselves. I was a big winner yesterday when I recorded a personal best, ran non-stop, beat the 35 minute mark for the first time, and saw a more than two and a half minute improvement on my time over the past six months. I finished in 34 minutes and 56 seconds. I was still in the bottom half of racers, but that doesn't matter. What counts is that I get out there, and I never give up! That makes me the Queen of the Road!